Saturday, September 25, 2010

Why am I starting a blog?

Turns out my life is anything but typical. Every morning when the whole world is rushing to their boring, day in and day out "jobs", I am doing just about anything I damn well please. 
Jealous yet?! 

My husband & I are living the All American dream... freedom from corporate America! He has more energy than a 5 yr old on Halloween & runs a popular, local boot camp as a personal trainer.
 I am a Pure Romance consultant & intimacy expert. I make my living by providing women with a safe, fun, & comfortable atmosphere to learn how to enhance their sex lives! Still not interested?!

Just when we thought life couldn't get any better, our bubble was busted!  We got a huge reality check when our 2 yr old son was diagnosed with autism. Obviously, we were devastated to hear that our adorable son wasn't "typical". What at first seemed like a tragedy, has now turned into a lightbulb moment for us. 
We now count our blessings everyday & thank God that he has blessed us beyond measure. We have learned so much about life & God's plan for us through this experience.

So people are constantly asking me for advice about a variety of issues from autism to sex. I thought this might be a creative outlet for me to share with the world some of the new things we are discovering daily. :)

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