Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Dangers of Vaccinations

   After my son was diagnosed with autism I did  A LOT of research & I am still researching daily. Of course there is a lot of controversy over vaccinations and their link to autism. I am not saying that vaccinations CAUSED Beckett to have autism, but I definitely feel that it played a factor. Generally people have a genetic disposition to autism (as well as many other diseases) that can be triggered by things in their environments. Some of his risk factors include the fact that he was born premature via emergency c-section and had oxygen deprivation from the umbilical cord being wrapped around his neck. Numerous ear infections as an infant caused him to be on round after round of antibiotics which can weaken your immune system making it harder to fight off things like the heavy metals that are present in vaccinations. Did I know all of this prior to having him vaccinated? Of course not! Most parents just do what the doctors and society tell them to do and that used to be me, however this Mommy will now be standing up and speaking out. A couple weeks ago I took both Alyssa & Beckett in for their annual "well visit" with their pediatrician. You should have seen the look I got when I declined the vaccinations. The nurse even proceeded to tell me that since my kids had been in the waiting room that they had been exposed to the flu and it would be in my best interest to give them a flu shot. I still declined- what a terrible mother I am!  The very next week I was at my chiropractor's office and came across a pamphlet about all the dangers of vaccinations and I was floored! I had no idea about most of these things and felt compelled to share my findings with other mothers that may be wary about giving their kids vaccines.

Here are 18 Reasons to Just Say No to Vaccinations:

  1. To have healthier children. Research reveals that non-vaccinated children are healthier than vaccinated children.
  2. To protect your child from vaccine-caused diseases.  Here are some of the conditions linked to vaccinations: autism, asthma, allergies, skin disorders, immune system disorders, neurological disorders, ADD, ADHD, meningitis, dyslexia, hearing & vision problems, pervasive developmental disorder, asperger's syndrome,eczema, encephalitis, convulsions, seizures, Chron's disease, arthritis, chronic fatigue, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and MANY more that would take forever to type all out. It also goes on to say that these conditions are very rare in non-vaccinated children. "Immunization against relatively harmless childhood disesases may be responsible for the dramatic increase in cancer, leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's disease, lupus, & Guillian-Barre syndrome" - Robert Mendelsohn MD
  3. To protect your baby from SIDS. "My suspicion, which is shared by others in my profession, is that the nearly 10,000 SIDS deaths that occur in the U.S. each year are related to one or more of the vaccines that are routinely given to children."-Robert Mendelsohn MD
  4. To protect your baby from being injected with toxic poisons. In addition to live & killed bacteria, viri & their toxins, children are injected with some of the most lethal poisons known: Formaldehyde, mercury, aluminum, phenol, borax(ant killer), ethylene glycol (antifreeze), dye, acetone (nail polish remover), latex, MSG, glycerol,polysorbate 80/20, sorbitol, animal cells & tissues that may be contaminated with animal viruses,gelatin, casein, human fetal cells, human viruses & bacterial & viral DNA which may affect the recipient's DNA.
  5. You don't want to play Russian Roulette with your child.  No one knows the chances of your child being hurt or killed from a vaccination because only a fraction of children who are hurt are ever reported. Only 2% of vaccine related injuries are ever reported because most medical doctors don't know how to identify a vaccine reaction. They were taught in medical school that vaccines are safe & it is hard to admit that something they did to "help" a patient may have actually caused them harm.
  6. Childhood diseases almost completely disappeared before vaccination. Nearly 90% of the total decline in mortality from scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough & measles occurred between 1860-1965, which was before the introduction of widespread immunizations.
  7. There is no proof the polio vaccine decreased polio. Additionally the polio vaccine is linked to cancer. Due to improper filtering , a monkey virus (SV40) was included in the polio vaccine. SV40 is  highly carcinogenic (cancer causing) & is linked to brain tumors, bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma (lung lining cancer) & non- Hodkin's lymphoma. On a personal note, my grandfather received the polio vaccination as a child. He actually contracted polio from the vaccine & it nearly killed him. 
  8. I don't want my child to get cancer. Pediatric cancer rates have been rising 1% a year since 1974 and cancer is currently the 2nd leading cause of death in children (after accidents).
  9. I don't want my baby to get incompletely tested drugs. Vaccines are not tested for their ability to cause cancer, mutations or developmental malformations. They are also untested for their affect on a child's reproductive system. Shampoos and cosmetics are tested for carcinogenicity but vaccines are not.
  10. I want my child to have natural immunity. Vaccination is unnatural. Diseases contracted naturally are filtered through the immune system defenses. However, vaccines are introduced into a child's body unnaturally- through direct injection into the bloodstream- giving the vaccine ingredients access to all of the major tissues and organs of the body without the body's normal advantage of a total immune response.
  11. I want my child to be free of autism and learning disorders. After years of denying a link between vaccination and autism, on November 9, 2007 the US government in Court of Federal Claims admitted that vaccines can cause autism. This follows years of thousands of parents reporting their normal, healthy children descended into autism after receiving routine vaccinations. Medical researcher Harris Coulter PhD reports: "Between 15-20% of American school children are considered learning disabled with minimal brain dysfunction directly caused by vaccine damage."
  12. Vaccines interfere with trans-placental immunity.  Trans-placental immunity is the protection the fetus receives from the mother before birth. When a little girl is vaccinated she does not develop all the natural immunity she should have. When she becomes pregnant she can not pass on as much protection to her unborn baby. That is why measles now occurs in children less than 1 year old and adults over age 25- ages where it can be fatal. This was unheard of before vaccination, which interferes with the age of occurrence of childhood diseases.
  13. No one knows if vaccine damage can surface years later. There are no adequate studies to determine the long-term effects of vaccines. "Vaccination is a disaster to the immune system. It actually causes a lot of illnesses. We are changing our genetic code through vaccination."- Guylaine Lanctot MD
  14. The flu vaccine has been linked to Alzheimer's disease & dementia. According to Hugh Fudenberg, MD, the world's leading immunogeneticist, if an individual has had 5 consecutive flu shots their chances of getting Alzheimer's disease is 10 times higher.
  15. I want my child to have permanent immunity. Only natural immunity lasts a lifetime and vaccines don't provide natural immunity. Also, when children are permitted to have infectious diseases of childhood they naturally lower their risk of cancer and heart disease later in life.
  16. The vaccines don't work. Outbreaks have occurred in 100% vaccinated populations.
  17. Vaccination dosage isn't personalized. A 5lb premature baby will get the same dosage as a 60lb 6 year old. There is no personalization for weight, health, or any other reason. A single vaccine given to a 6lb newborn is the equivalent of giving an adult 30 vaccinations on the same day.
  18. To promote a natural, drug-free lifestyle. How can we tell our children to avoid drugs when we drug them throughout childhood? Our children are injected with dangerous toxic chemicals that have no benefit and may cause diseases far worse than what they are designed to "prevent". Natural immunity is safer; natural immunity promotes healthier children; and natural immunity lasts forever.

This information was taken directly from a pamphlet entitled "Vaccination 18 Reasons to Just Say No", which sites over 30 references. For specific sources see this link:

I am in no way telling you to not vaccinate your children. That is a personal decision, however I want to bring more awareness to the potential dangers involved with routine vaccinations. I urge you to do your research before letting them inject your babies. I sure wish that I had.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pure Romance Changed My Life

In June 2007 my life seemed like a disaster. I had recently lost a really great job with corporate America and found myself going through my 2nd pregnancy enslaved to retail hours. On top of having a difficult pregnancy I was also experiencing some pretty serious marital issues. One afternoon I was browsing through a scrap booking website and saw a post from a fellow scrap booker who happened to be a Pure Romance consultant. I checked out the website and even though I had never been to a party or even used any of these products I took a crazy leap of faith and bought a kit.

To be honest, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing at the time, but it sounded like a fun way for me to make some extra money. I certainly didn't have a lot of support either. My husband laughed at the idea of me "selling dildos" and I'm pretty sure that most other people felt the same way. My mother in law didn't approve and even threatened to contact DHR and take my kids away. Despite all the opposition I still managed to get a few parties booked. It only took me doing 3 parties & making more money in one night than I did at my job all week, to walk in and QUIT! Not long after that, our son was born prematurely via emergency c section, which led  to my husband and I reconciling. We knew that if our marriage was going to work that we needed to change our lifestyle and get in church. When it came time for us to join the church I was really nervous about how people would react to my new business. I was surprised at how receptive our new pastor was to the idea of Pure Romance. He gave me his blessings and even asked me for a catalog. We live in the heart of the Bible Belt where talking about sex is taboo, but he was very supportive.

Three years after I originally purchased that kit, our then 2.5yr old son was diagnosed with autism. Going through his diagnosis was an emotionally draining experience which required me to take some time off from work. Had I not had Pure Romance there is no way I could have made it through and still had a job. Beckett has therapy 3 times a week and appointments out of town with specialists. I counted a grand total of 10 appointments that we had to go to this month. It has been such a blessing to be able to take him without even thinking twice. No bosses or schedules to work around is amazing !! Having an autistic child has also required us to make more lifestyle changes. Special Diets, supplements, and therapies that insurance won't cover can be very expensive.. With Pure Romance I know that the sky is the limit and I have the potential to make as much money as I want, however the freedom and flexibility it has given me is worth more than any amount of money!  I am also happy to say that my marriage is stronger than ever and I have Pure Romance to thank!!

If you think that Pure Romance might fit into your lifestyle let me know! I'd be glad to help you on your new adventure!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Coochy Rash-Free Shaving Cream Gets Rave Reviews!

  I've been a Pure Romance consultant for almost 4 years now & I can say without a doubt that Coochy is my personal best seller! I get emails, calls, & texts all the time from women that need more Coochy & usually they buy it in bulk. So when I was trying to think of what I could do differently in 2011, "Free Coochy" immediately popped in my head! Everyone loves the stuff, so why not give away as much of it for free as I possibly can?!  All you have to do is host a Pure Romance party with me and you could get up to six 8oz bottles of Coochy absolutely free! That's a 1 year supply of Coochy, which would cost you $108 + tax for FREE!

Are you one of the few that has yet to hear about Coochy?!
 Here's what customers are saying:

 It's the best shave lotion EVER. I've tried no less than 20 different products and none of them come close to Coochy.            - Janice J.
I love the fact that when you lather it on, it stays on your legs (or whatever you are shaving) other stuff just slides right off. And it super moisturizing! - April A.
 I love coochy for its MANY different uses. It's the only thing I can shave with bc my skin is so sensitive. My boyfriend has been known to use it & I have used it as conditioner numerous times. Coochy is by far the best PR product.           - Brittany W.
 It's the best to use down here in el paso bc of the dry weather here and my skin stays dry and sensitive and thats the only thing i can use and not have irritation and bumps. also i learned that i can use it as a conditioner for my hair, and works great. its the best stuff i have ever used and will only use coochy. - Amanda A.
 Great Moisturizer, Shaving Lotion, and Conditioner! Its a 3 in 1!! I'm hooked!!! Being a mom, having a product that is simple, efficient, and reliable is a major plus!! And to top it all off. . the Pomegranate smells awesome! My husband commented this morning on how good my hair smelled!! ;) - Michelle B.
Are you interested in hosting your own Pure Romance party so you can get FREE COOCHY? 
Email me or
          Send me a message on facebook-